Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Globby! (Blobby, but Go!) from Jordan
- UPDATE: wasmcloud/wasmcloud MonoRepo
- DISCUSSION: CNCF Incubation Proposal
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: wash build and progress to working with wasi-preview-2 components
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud security audit
- DISCUSSION: wasmcloud/wasmcloud monorepo
- DISCUSSION: Accepting ADRs
- DISCUSSION: Give an update about the community's growth and WASI-virt
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Actor Autoscaling and "scale to zero"
- DISCUSSION: Trail of Bits wasmCloud security audit
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud documentation improvements
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DISCUSSION: WASI-fills newness.
- DISCUSSION: Versions in wasmCloud documentation. Would like to determine what a "version" is for the wasmCloud project.
- DISCUSSION: Hacktoberfest! 🎃
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerBrooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Live demo from DTW23, WebAssembly Canvas Catalyst Vance Demo
- DEMO: Building NATS microservices in wasmCloud
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud metrics
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud 0.78.0 official release
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Running Rust and TinyGo WebAssembly components in wasmCloud
- DISCUSSION: Check-in on the witify milestone
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Rust host, OTP feature parity
- DISCUSSION: Rust host initial release, v0.78.0 (R = 18, U = 21, S = 19, T = 20; 18 + 21 + 19 + 20 = 78)
- DISCUSSION: Roadmap look
- REMINDER: BACon + WasmCon next week!
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: wadm 0.5.0 manifest validation
- DISCUSSION: wadm 0.5.0 official release, wash 0.20.0 coming soon
- DISCUSSION: Roadmap update on Rust host OTP parity
Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: wadm actor daemonscaler
- DEMO: Concordance (event sourcing) code generation and documentation enhancements preview
- DISCUSSION: roadmap update
- REMINDER: WasmCon is September 6-7 in Bellevue Washington and registration is still open!